Compostela Dental Mission 2018!
On Sunday October 21, the Rotary Club of Cebu East undertook an annual tradition: a dental mission in Compostela, followed by lunch at the house of twice-serving past president Dave Sharpe. This year, the tradition coincided with Mr. Sharpe’s 70th birthday, and a good time was had by all — particularly the men, women, and children of Compostela, who received excellent and free dental treatment.
The mission was led by Cebu East PP Dr. Wilbert Uykingtian, Dr. Ann Perolino from Southwestern University, and Dave Sharpe. Fifteen top graduate students from Southwestern donated their time, energy, and expertise to improve the oral care of over 100 patients. We were also graced with the presence of our good friend Kevin Parken, from the Rotary Club of Campbelltown, Australia, and Ms. Minerva Ledford.
As always, we at Cebu East offer our deepest thanks to Dr. Ann, Dr. Wilbert, and the dental team!
Here are some pictures from the mission:

Cebu East Rotarians: Dr. Tony Chua, Antonio Chua, Dr. Wilbert Uykingtian, Carmino “Bebet” Ferandos, and Dave Sharpe