RCCE participates in Project Rice!
On March 24, 2021, the Rotary Club of Cebu East participated in a joint charity drive with Cebu’s long-established Rise Above Foundation.
A total of over 500kg of much-needed rice was donated and distributed to residents in the Guadalupe district of Cebu City, including the barangays of Sitio Kanaas, Sitio Sambag IV, Upper and Lower Sambag II, Sitio Singson, and Sitio Kamanggahan. Rice was also distributed in Sapangdaku.
Present from RC Cebu East was President Heinz Ackermann and First Lady Eva Ackermann, while Rise Above was represented by leaders Abi Biard, Marie Tangalin, and Elisabeth.
Here are some pictures from this exciting event:

Members of Rotary Club of Cebu East and Rise Above Foundation, and recipients

President Heinz and Eva Ackermann, from RC Cebu East

President Heinz Ackermann, with Rotary banner

Filling bags of rice, prior to distribution

Members of Rise Above and RCCE, with recipients