Tag: Dr. Wilbert Uykingtian
Compostela Dental Mission 2018!

On Sunday October 21, the Rotary Club of Cebu East undertook an annual tradition: a dental mission in Compostela, followed by lunch at the house of twice-serving past president Dave Sharpe. This year, the tradition coincided with Mr. Sharpe’s 70th birthday, and a good time was had by all — particularly the men, women, and […]
Successful Dental Mission in Alumnos Mambaling!

On Sunday April 22, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted a successful Dental Mission in Alumnos, Mambaling, Cebu City. This was our fourth Dental Mission for the Rotary year, and had the smooth efficiency of our previous missions. Much of this is owing to our fellow Club member and dentist, Dr. Wilbert Uykingtian. Over […]
Dental Mission to Compostela

RC Cebu East was in Compostela on February 21, providing dental treatment to several hundred children (and some of their parents!). We were aided by our excellent Rotaractors, who are dentists and dental students from Southwestern University. And as always, we were led by our Club Dentist, Dr. Wilbert Uykingtian. Many thanks to Dr. Wilbert […]