Tag: Past President Tom McKinley
Dental Mission in Inayawan!

On Sunday August 11, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted its first dental mission of RY 2019-2020, in the barangay of Inayawan in Cebu City. RC Cebu East was assisted by our Rotaractors, graduate students in dentistry from Southwestern University, led by Dr. Ann Perolino. The transportation body INTRASCO also helped with organizing […]
Second Feeding Mission in Alumnos!

On Sunday November 4, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted its second Feeding Mission in Alumnos for 2018. The mission was led by RCCE member Joop van Kessel and his wife, Racquel, whose family also assisted with the activities. Over 200 families benefited from a meal sponsored by the Club. The meal consisted […]