Tag: RC Cebu East
RC Cebu East inducts new president, Derick Bulkley

On Friday 22 June 2018, the Rotary Club of Cebu East held its 38th Induction of Officers ceremony. As in previous years, the ceremony was held at the White Gold House restaurant in Cebu City’s North Reclamation Area. The event was attended by numerous illustrious personages, including members of the Rotary International family, statesmen, and […]
Return Dental Mission to Compostela!

Our February dental mission to Compostela was such a huge success, and we were in such demand, that RC Cebu East decided to return to Compostela for a second mission on October 23, 2016. As always, we were accompanied by our trusty Rotaractors from Southwestern University, who applied their odontological skills with expert care.
Dental Mission to Compostela

RC Cebu East was in Compostela on February 21, providing dental treatment to several hundred children (and some of their parents!). We were aided by our excellent Rotaractors, who are dentists and dental students from Southwestern University. And as always, we were led by our Club Dentist, Dr. Wilbert Uykingtian. Many thanks to Dr. Wilbert […]