Author Archive: Rotary Club Cebu East
Generous Donation from Mr. Henny Jobse!

The Rotary Club of Cebu East would like to thank our dear friend, Mr. Henny Jobse, for all of his kindness and generosity towards our Club and the people of Cebu. Henny passed away this year, and, through his great altruism, thought of our Club and those in need even during his illness. He has […]
Nutrition Mission in Guadalajara!

On Sunday September 9, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted a Nutrition Mission in the Guadalajara section of Guadalupe District in Cebu City. This mission reinforced the strong momentum our Club has had thus far in RY 2018-19. Once again, we partnered with the Rise Above Foundation, led by Ms. Marie Tangalin. With […]
New desks and chairs for CARE school in Cordova!

On Sunday August 19, the Rotary Club of Cebu East brought new plastic desk-chairs to the Cordova Alternative Resource for Education (CARE) school in Cordova, Cebu. The students had previously been sitting in severely undersized chairs, none of which had a writing platform. Funding for the mission was provided by the Club itself, and […]
RC Cebu East inducts new president, Derick Bulkley

On Friday 22 June 2018, the Rotary Club of Cebu East held its 38th Induction of Officers ceremony. As in previous years, the ceremony was held at the White Gold House restaurant in Cebu City’s North Reclamation Area. The event was attended by numerous illustrious personages, including members of the Rotary International family, statesmen, and […]
Bringing School Supplies to Kids in Cordova!

On Sunday June 10, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted its final field mission of Rotary Year 2017-2018, bringing school supplies to the children of the Cordova Alternative Resource for Education (C.A.R.E.) school. We have enjoyed a very healthy relationship with CARE for many years, and were delighted to assist their students in the […]
Successful Dental Mission in Alumnos Mambaling!

On Sunday April 22, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted a successful Dental Mission in Alumnos, Mambaling, Cebu City. This was our fourth Dental Mission for the Rotary year, and had the smooth efficiency of our previous missions. Much of this is owing to our fellow Club member and dentist, Dr. Wilbert Uykingtian. Over […]
Dental Mission to Punta Princesa

On Sunday March 4, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted a successful Dental Mission in Punta Princesa, Cebu City. We were assisted in the planning by Ms. Grasya Baquero, Barangay Councilor for Punta Princesa, and Cebu East Past President Elias Baquero. We are very grateful for their assistance! We also received significant financial […]
Joint meeting with RC Guadalupe!

On Friday February 9, the Rotary Club of Cebu East had a joint meeting with the Rotary Club of Guadalupe, at our headquarters, the Lighthouse Restaurant in Cebu City. Sitting in our private room, the two clubs discussed ways to cooperate to further serve others. The meeting was kindly arranged by Dr. Tess […]
Christmas Mission at CARE school in Cordova!

On Sunday December 17, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted its annual Christmas visit to the Cordova Alternative Resource for Education (CARE) school complex on Mactan Island. Once again, we had the opportunity to share Christmas joy and bags full of food with children who have been dealt a rougher hand in life. […]