Author Archive: Rotary Club Cebu East
RCCE’s latest dental mission — in Pardo!

On Sunday September 1, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted another successful dental mission in the barangay of Cogon, Pardo, in Cebu City. As always, the mission was led by Dr. Wilbert Uykingtian from RC Cebu East and Dr. Ann Perolino from the Dentistry school at Southwestern University. Our diligent, skilled, and reliable […]
Dental Mission in Inayawan!

On Sunday August 11, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted its first dental mission of RY 2019-2020, in the barangay of Inayawan in Cebu City. RC Cebu East was assisted by our Rotaractors, graduate students in dentistry from Southwestern University, led by Dr. Ann Perolino. The transportation body INTRASCO also helped with organizing […]
Induction of Officers for RY 2019-2020!

On the evening of Friday July 19, the Rotary Club of Cebu East had its 39th Induction of Officers and Directors, at the New White Gold House Restaurant in Cebu City. Past secretary Joop van Kessel was inducted as the new President of the club, with Heinz Ackermann to now serve as the Club Secretary. […]
Dental Mission in Alumnos – May 2019!

On Sunday May 5 2019, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted a successful dental mission to the barangay of Alumnos, Mambaling, in Cebu City. As always, the mission was led by Cebu East PP Dr. Wilbert Uykingtian, in collaboration with the Southwestern University School of Dentistry, led by Dr. Ann Perolino. Our Rotaractor […]
Christmas Bundles of Joy in Cordova 2018!

On Sunday December 16, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted its second Bundles of Joy mission of the season, at the Cordova Alternative Resource for Education (CARE) school on Mactan island. As always, this mission was coordinated by Teacher Maricor and PP Nick Tajale of RC Cebu East. We commend Teacher Maricor’s indefatigable […]
Christmas Bundles of Joy in Taptap!

On Sunday December 9 2018, the Rotary Club of Cebu East undertook its annual Bundles of Joy mission. This time, we went to the mountain barangay of Taptap, a village about 25 miles from the center of Cebu City. Altogether, we distributed 202 bags of food, consisting of noodles, rice, sardines, coffee, spaghetti sauce, […]
Second Feeding Mission in Alumnos!

On Sunday November 4, the Rotary Club of Cebu East conducted its second Feeding Mission in Alumnos for 2018. The mission was led by RCCE member Joop van Kessel and his wife, Racquel, whose family also assisted with the activities. Over 200 families benefited from a meal sponsored by the Club. The meal consisted […]
Compostela Dental Mission 2018!

On Sunday October 21, the Rotary Club of Cebu East undertook an annual tradition: a dental mission in Compostela, followed by lunch at the house of twice-serving past president Dave Sharpe. This year, the tradition coincided with Mr. Sharpe’s 70th birthday, and a good time was had by all — particularly the men, women, and […]
Donating Uniforms at Oslob Elementary School!

On October 2 and 3, the Rotary Club of Cebu East donated Boy Scout uniforms to grades 1-6 at Oslob Central Elementary School. The uniforms, totalling 275, were donated by Mr. Alex Gaisano, a member and past president of the Club. The distribution of the uniforms was undertaken by Past Club Secretary Joop van […]